Xe limousine Vũng Tàu - TP Hồ Chí Minh

Book the earliest VIP limousine bus from Vung Tau to Ho Chi Minh City

The earliest trip from Vung Tau to Ho Chi Minh City to District 1, hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City and Tan Son Nhat Airport, please call 091975716609152414560918326066

Let’s take a look at the schedule of some famous car companies in Vung Tau

Thanh Vinh Vung Tau shuttle bus schedule

The earliest trip from Vung Tau to Ho Chi Minh City: 2:00 am every day; latest departure 19:30 pm every day.

The earliest trip from Ho Chi Minh City to Vung Tau: 7:00 am every day; latest departure 21:00pm every day.

Contact Thanh Vinh to book a car by phone 0917276166

Xe Thành Vinh Limousine Vũng Tàu
Thanh Vinh Limousine Vung Tau Car

Hai Van Limousine shutte bus schedule

The running time of Hai Van Vung Tau bus is also very flexible, each trip lasts from 2 hours to about 2 hours 20 minutes:

  • The earliest trip from Tan Son Nhat airport to Vung Tau: from 5:00 am to 23:30 pm every day
  • The earliest trip from Vung Tau to Ho Chi Minh City: from 3:00 am to 21:00 pm

Frequency of Hai Van Limousine bus is operated continuously, only from 15-30 minutes/trip. Phone: 0915241456. Website: https://www.haivanlimousine.com/

Xe Hải Vân Limousine tại Vũng Tàu
Hai Van Limousine Vung Tau Car

Hai Van Limousine set up different pick up and drop off locations in Ho Chi Minh and Vung Tau. In Vung Tau, passengers will be picked up and picked up in Ho Chi Minh City, the car will pick up at all central districts such as: District 1, District 2, District 3, District 4, District 5, District 10, District Tan Binh, Phu Nhuan District, Binh Thanh District and Tan Son Nhat Airport….

Anh Quoc shuttle bus and daily schedule

The travel schedule of Anh Quoc Shuttle Bus has been kept fixed since its opening until now, on average, each trip is 30 minutes – 1 hour apart.

Vung Tau to Tan Son Nhat Airport: The earliest trip is 3:00 am and the latest trip is 19:00 pm.

Tan Son Nhat Airport to Vung Tau: The earliest trip is 7:00 am and the latest trip is 21:30 pm.

Contact for booking: 19003300 – Website: https://www.anhquoc.vn/

A special feature of Anh Quoc Limousine is that it has just launched operations on both Phuoc Tinh and Long Hai rto Tan Son Nhat Airport routes, parallel to Vung Tau to Tan Son Nhat Airport route.

Anh Quốc Limousine
Anh Quoc Limousine

Vie limousine shuttle bus schedule

Vie limousine uses Skybus line with 9-seat Boeing seats, the car is imported CBU to ensure safety and quality. Vie is the pioneer in bringing the latest car line, assembled by modern advanced automatic technology, ensuring the technical requirements as well as the safety modes to create standard quality cars. top level to put into operation.

The bus has a frequency of continuous operation from 4am to 10pm every day, there is 1 bus every 1 hour, so you can choose the right time frame to move. Phone: 0919757166

Ticket price: 140,000 – 160,000 VND.

Pick-up point District 1: 131 Nguyen Thai Binh, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.

Vung Tau pick-up point: 33, 3/2 Street, Ward 8, Vung Tau City, Ba Ria – Vung Tau Province

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